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Harborview Leather Journal - Sky

$ 52.00

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    Our handcrafted Harborview leather journal is a handsome and versatile vessel for carrying your unique branding message. Each is thread-bound in soft and supple, hand-dyed leather with natural texture and subtle variations. Pages of acid-free, ivory paper stock ensure a crisp and clean writing experience that is hard to find.

    The Harborview Journal is available in two sizes and twelve colors - rich, earthy hues with multiple layers of finishing wax that lends a subtle sheen and depth of color.

    Key Features & Sizing

    • Small 5" x 7"
    • Large 6" x 8"
    • 240 pages (120 leaves)
    • Genuine hand-dyed calfskin, with natural texture and subtle variations
    • Flexible softcover binding
    • Ruled (lined), acid-free pages
    • Fountain Pen Friendly
    • Exclusively from Jenni Bick Bookbinding
    • Hand-crafted one at a time at our Martha’s Vineyard workshop
    CLICK HERE for detailed product specs
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